This guide will help you get started with using our platform to discover, share, and utilize open-source project templates.

Discover Templates

  • Navigate to the Templates page to browse a wide range of templates for frontend, backend, and full-stack applications.
  • Use filters to find the most relevant templates for your project.

Upload Templates

  • Sign in to your account.
  • Go to the Add Template page to upload your own templates directly from your GitHub repositories.
  • Fill in the required details and submit your template to share it with the community.

Generate Project Setup Steps

  • Use our CLI tool open-source-smith to automate the initial setup process.
  • Also generate additional project setup files like README, Dockerfile, and GitHub Actions.

CLI Tool

  • Install the CLI tool globally using npm.
  • Run the command open-source-smith forge or open-source-smith forge --from <template-detail> to fetch the templates from the OpenSourceSmith platform.
  • Use the CLI tool to automate the initial setup process for your projects.