This guide provides an overview of how the Open Source Smith Site was developed, including the tools and libraries used in the process.

Tools and Libraries Used


Vercel ensures seamless deployment and hosting of our platform, providing high performance and reliability. The platform is deployed on Vercel, leveraging its capabilities for serverless functions and static site generation.

Neon Postgres

Neon Postgres powers our database, offering robust and scalable data management solutions. Used for storing user data, templates, and other essential information.


Next.js provides server-side rendering and static site generation, enhancing the performance of our platform. The entire frontend is built using Next.js, taking advantage of its routing, API routes, and optimization features.


CopilotKit integrates LLM capabilities, making it easy to add production-ready Copilots into any product. Used for generating project setup steps and providing AI-driven suggestions.


ShadCN helps create beautiful and consistent UI designs, enhancing the overall user experience. Utilized for designing the user interface components.

Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that allows for rapid UI development. Used for styling the entire application, providing a consistent and responsive design.

Google Gemini

Google Gemini enhances the intelligence and functionality of our platform. Integrated with CopilotKit.


NextAuth provides secure and flexible authentication solutions. Used to implement GitHub OAuth for user authentication.


Mintlify provides a seamless deployment process for our documentation. Used to deploy and manage the documentation site.


Contribution are welcome to any of the following areas:

  • CLI Tool
  • Documentation
  • OpenSoureSmith platform