Install CLI Tool

Use npm to install the CLI tool globally on your system.

npm i open-source-smith

Use CLI Tool

Usage: open-source-smith [options] [command]

A CLI tool for managing open-source projects

  -V, --version   output the version number
  -h, --help      display help for command

  forge            Initialize a new open-source project
  help [command]  display help for command

Forge Command

  • forge : Initialize a new open-source project
    • --from <template> : Use a specific OpenSourceSmith template

Project Types (Only available via CLI tool)

  • FrontendKit
    • React
    • Vite
    • NextJS
  • BackendKit
    • Express with TypeScript
  • FullStackKit
    • Express as backend
    • NextJS Full Stack


  • To initialize project using template from OpenSourceSmith

    open-source-smith forge --from md-abid-hussain@template-express-ts
  • To initialize project using default templte available via CLI tool Only

    open-source-smith forge